Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lab #2: Questions on the USGS Topographic Map of Beverly Hills

1) The name of the quadrangle is "Beverly Hills"

2) The adjacent quadrangles are:
  1. Canoga Park
  2. Van Nuys
  3. Burbank
  4. Topanga
  5. Hollywood
  6. na/Pacific Ocean
  7. Venice
  8. Inglewood
3) The quadrangle was first created in 1966, when the topography was compiled (last revised in 1995).

4) The National American Datum of 1927 (and the more recent North American Datum of 1983) was used for the horizontal components, and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 was used for the vertical components of the quadrangle.

5) The scale of the map is 1:24,000

6) Perform the following conversions:
a) (5cm on map) x (24,000cm on ground/cm on map) = 120,000cm on ground
(120,000cm) x (1m / 100cm) = 1200m on ground

b) (5in on map) x (24,000in on ground/in on map) = 120,000in on ground
(120,000in) x (1ft/12in) x (1mi/5280ft) = 1.894 mi

c) 1mi on ground = 5280 ft = (5280ft) x (12in/ft) = 63360in on ground
(63360in on ground) x (1in on map/24,000in on ground) = 2.64in on map

d) 3km on ground = 3000m on ground = 300,000cm on ground
(300,000cm on ground) x (1cm on map/24,000cm on ground) = 12.5cm on map

7) The contour interval for the map is 20ft (dash lines indicate 10ft).

8) Find the approximate geographic coordinates in degrees/min/sec and decimal degrees for:

a) Public Affairs Building
Longitude: 118° 26’ 20” W = 118° (26 + 20/60)’=118° 26.33’= (118 + 26.33/60)° = 118.439° W
Latitude: 34°4’0” N = (34 + 4/60) ° = 34.067°N

b) Tip of Santa Monica pier
Longitude: 118° 30’ 0” W = 118.5° W
Latitude: 34° 0’ 30” N = (34 + 0.5’/60’)° = 34.008° N

c) Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir
Longitude: 118° 24’ 20” W = 118° + (24 + 20/60)’ = (118 + 24.33/60)° = 118.406° W
Latitude: 34° 7’ 15” N = 34° + (7 + 15/60)’ = (34 + 7.25/60)° = 34.121° N

9) The approximate elevation in both feet and meters of:

a) Greystone Mansion: 560 feet = 560ft x (0.3048m/ft) = 170.7m

b) Woodlawn Cemetery: 140 feet = 140ft x (0.3048m/ft) = 42.7m

c) Crestwood Hills Park: 740 feet = 740ft x (0.3048m/ft) = 226m

10) The UTM Zone of the map is 11.

11) The UTM coordinates for the lower left corner is Easting 361500 and Northing 3763000.

12) Each grid line indicates 1000m, so one UTM cell contains: 1000m x 1000m = 1,000,000sq. m

13) Elevations along Northing 3771000 are:

Easting 362000: 520ft
Easting 363000: 610ft
Easting 364000: 640ft
Easting 365000: 520ft
Easting 366000: 520ft (UCLA)
Easting 367000: 440ft (UCLA)
Easting 368000: 390ft
Easting 369000: 350ft
Easting 370000: 300ft
Easting 371000: 250ft
Easting 372000: 190ft
Easting 373000: 155ft

14) The magnetic declination is 14 degrees E.

15) Since "V's" in the contours point upstream, the parallel, intermittent stream between highway 405 and the Stone Canyon Reservoir travels from north to south.


1 comment:

  1. great job. 9.8/10

    11. remember UTM coordinates are expressed in meters so 3,763,000mN and 361,500mE
