Friday, May 14, 2010

Lab 6 DEMs

The area in question is the mountainous area at the California-Nevada border. This area is in between Yosemite and the Death Valley around interstate 395 and 6, in the UTM zone of 11. The area spans a length (x)of 0.5647 degrees (or 50699 meters) and a width (y) of 0.3808 degrees (or 43136 meters), with an elevation range from 1245.27 feet to 4220.87 feet. The extent data (GCS North American 1983) is as follows: 37.2606 degrees N to 37.6414 degrees N, and -118.3767 degrees E (or 118.3767 degrees W) to -118.9414 degrees E (or 118.9414 degrees W).

shaded relief model

slope map

aspect map

3D image (z conversion factor = 2.0)

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